The horrific mass-stabbing of 21 students and staff members at a Pittsburgh high school shows, once again, that we live in an unsure world in which violence can happen anytime and anywhere. Such incidents highlight the need to have trauma first aid supplies on-site at every school, workplace, and other facility.
Many of the wounds that were sustained needed immediate attention to save the lives of the victims and lay responders were there on-site in the critical first moments after the event. Many of those who responded first were fellow students, teachers, and other staff. It is important to have trauma first aid supplies on site to begin the response even before outside medical responders can arrive on the scene.
Especially in mass stabbings or shootings or other major disasters, there is no way for outside medical responders to get to everyone in need as immediately as those who are already on the scene. Those bystanders can best respond if they have quick access to basic medical supplies such as bandages for large wounds.
The kind of first aid supplies needed for an instant response rarely exist in sufficient quantities in a regular first aid kit. What is needed is a well equipped trauma first aid kit.
Many U.S. schools use our MobileAid Trauma Stations and backpack kits to provide just such trauma first aid supplies in the case of such incidents. Is your facility prepared with adequate trauma first aid supplies?
If this had happened at your school or workplace, would you have been prepared with the supplies necessary to respond instantly? If not, we can help with our line of MobileAid Emergency Response products.
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