Holiday Gift Section
This holiday season follows on the heals of the terrible East Coast disaster caused by Hurricane Sandy. These disaster scenes as played out on TV every night made us remember the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina not so many years ago.
In such uncertain times (a disaster can strike anytime and anywhere), we may think of giving a holiday gift that has significance and is of lasting value. One such gift is the gift of emergency preparedness.
This holiday season, think about helping family and friends be secure in any emergency or disaster. As relatively few people are completely prepared with emergency kits and supplies, you can be sure that your gift will be appreciated.
For the past eight holiday seasons, people have turned to LifeSecure to provide them with emergency preparedness gifts for everyone on their holiday gift lists. Our wide variety of emergency preparedness solutions offers gifts to cover the similarly broad range of holiday gift giving needs --from stocking stuffers to large gifts. At LifeSecure, we can help you with a gift for everyone on your holiday list. Use the coupon code BLOG2012 at the checkout and save 10% on your purchases through December 7th. This 10% discount is off of the lowest sale price.
Each holiday season we offer a specially selected list of emergency preparedness gifts in our Holiday Gift Section on
If you are watching your holiday gift budget but want to make sure that you are giving emergency preparedness products that meet or exceed US Government preparedness guidelines and can be trusted to perform in a real emergency, our line of LifeSecure Home emergency kits and supplies offers high quality products at a very competitive prices.
Our Extreme Disaster Gear emergency preparedness products are a great choice for those on your list who will appreciate emergency gear designed to go "beyond the basics" to prepare them for extreme disasters such as earthquakes or hurricanes.
For those for whom nothing but the very best emergency response kits and emergency supplies will do, MobileAid is your best possible gift choice. You can find the full line of MobileAid Emergency Response products, including Trauma First Aid and Earthquake Survival Kits at our newest website, or on
Have a safe and secure holiday, and consider helping everyone on your holiday gift list to do the same with emergency preparedness gifts. You'll be doing your part to help make "Every Life Secure".
Every Life Secure... Is Yours?TM -- Over 560,000 Lives Secured and counting.