In Aurora, Colorado a gunman opened fire in a crowded theater at the premiere of the latest Batman movie. As of this time 12 are dead and 50 wounded. The whole incident is just sickening, but reminds us of the need to be prepared for just such emergencies.
How can you prepare for such a disaster? One way is by having trauma first aid supplies on hand for just such an eventuality. Whether it is a tornado, earthquake, mass shooting, or another incident, being able to respond in those critical moments before first responders arrive, can mean the difference between life and death for some.
Having more than just a basic first aid kit on hand can allow even staff members and other lay responders to assist in providing live sustaining aid (such as stropping bleeding) until medical first responders are able to take over and ultimately provide lifesaving care. Every public or private building or venue should be prepared for such disasters by having adequate trauma first aid kits or trauma first aid supplies.
At LifeSecure, we developed our line of MobileAid trauma first aid stations and kits to allow lay responders to provide livesaving aid in those critical moments before professional help can arrive. We had one reported incident in which EMS responders used the bandages from our MobileAid first aid station to treat a victim of a tragic taffic accident. In this case, having a large amount of supplies readily on hand actually aided the first responders.
I don't know what medical supplies may have been on hand in the theater, but hopefully they were prepared with supplies to help until the EMS responders arrived on the scene.
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