The question "Where is the safest place in a tornado?" is a critical one to know the answer to before a tornado actually strikes. Here are three tornado safety actions that may help you determine the safest place wherever you may find yourself when a tornado hits:
1) Get low: Go to the lowest level in the home, office, school or other facility. If there is a basement or cellar, go there. If there is not a level below ground, go to the ground level of the building.
2) Get inside: Go to the most interior part the structure and avoid windows. The best choices may be a bathroom, closet, or inner hallway.
3) Get protected: Cover your head and neck with your arms and if possible with a blanket. Get under a sturdy piece of furniture such as a table or desk and hang on. Once again, stay away from windows.
Think now about the places that you spend your time in and where the safest places may be in each of them in case of a tornado. Thinking about the safest place now will save you critical time in an actual tornado.
Make sure you have a plan for where to go to be safe and make sure you have a tornado emergency kit on hand to handle the aftermath of a destructive tornado.
No matter what the potential disaster scenario, it is critical to have an emergency kit at the ready.
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