I thought our blog readers might like to take advantage of this Free Emergency Blanket offer ($19.99 retail value) at LifeSecure.com until the end of National Preparedness Month.
National Preparedness Month is a great time to focus on making sure that we, our families and our workplaces are prepared for any emergency or disaster.
This LifeSecure Protective Emergency Blanket (Apex Technology Cover Blanket) is free with any purchase of $100 or more (excluding shipping and taxes) on www.LifeSecure.com until Friday September 30th, 2011.
Simply purchase at least $100 worth of emergency kits or supplies and enter the code "Blanket" at the checkout. Buy what you need to be prepared for any emergency or disaster from www.LifeSecure.com and we'll give you an emergency blanket free. Please, one free blanket per household or business.
Once you get your emergency protective blanket, we'd love to hear what you think of it.
Here is what I have posted on this blanket and its insect repellent cousin the LifeSecure Insect Repellent Emergency Blanket (Apex Technology Cover Blanket with SkinTex MRIII).