Prepare for the worst case scenario -- a catastrophic disaster. This is sound advice. We spend much of our lives preparing. Most of us spend from 13 to 17+ years in school as a preparation for our life's vocation as well as just for living a productive adult life. Each job we have prepares us for the next. We prepare for countless specific events in our lives: graduation, marriage, births, moving, etc. Preparation is part of our daily routine, but how well prepared are we for the ultimate challenge - the worst case scenario?
The worst case scenario may come in various ways. It may come as a personal tragedy or as a critical accident. In the unsure world in which we live, it will come to many in the form of a catastrophic disaster. This may be an earthquake, a tsunami, a flood, a hurricane, a wildfire, a tornado, a chemical explosion, a volcanic eruption, a mudslide, a blizzard, a terrorist attack or any one of many other potential natural or man-made disasters. My first catastrophic disaster was the disasterous Super-Typhoon "Yoling" in the Philippines that left my family with readily available food, water, or electricity for two weeks.
Whatever the worst case scenario may be that invades your life, you can prepare for it now. One of the keys to being prepared is to have adequate emergency supplies to meet your own basic needs for at least 72 hours (three days). It can take at least this long for authorities to begin to deliver aid to most people after a major disaster. Personally my family is prepared to go it alone for much longer if necessary (remember, I went the two weeks with little help so I have learned by experience that three days is a minimum).
Because not everyone can afford (either in storage space or cash) to have more than a three day supply, I suggest that you follow the U.S. Government Guidelines and have an emergency kit that can either be used to support you as you evacuate or as you stay put and shelter-in-place. I like to say that with such an emergency kit "you can evacuate or stay, and you are covered either way."
Whether you build your own emergency kit or buy an emergency kit don't delay this important step in being prepared for the worst case scenario - a catastrophic disaster. Get an emergency kit now and make sure that you are well prepared. We do live in an unsure world, but we can be more secure if we are prepared.